Zinnia Hope, author of multi-genres and erotic romances; also writing as J. Emberglass

A Freya's Bower Author. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Do you dare read my novels? Are your panties wet yet? If not, no worries because they soon will be.

Monday, August 24

I hope you'll check out the blog post below this one for some nice news about some of my titles.

Also, I've retired the Zinnia Hope pen name. Once my current contracts run out, I will no longer be writing as Zinnia Hope--or J. Emberglass for that matter. I will be shutting this blog down for good in the weeks ahead. My agent represents most of my work, so watch for notices about Vivian Mars for my spicy material. So, if you'd like to keep up to date with my releases, you can find regular blogs at the following places or sign up for my author newsletter.


www.myspace.com/zinniahope (got to figure out how to change that user ID, lol)

And I'm also on facebook as faithbicknellbrown

Follow me on twitter as faith_zinnia

Find me at my shared author group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SixDreamWeavers

I teach at Avoid Writers Hell http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Avoid_Writers_Hell

And lastly, here is my author newsletter http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bickbrownZHnewsletter


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It doesn’t take much to amuse me. And it certainly doesn’t take a lot to cheer me up anymore, lol.

Got a few li’l cheer-me-ups over the weekend.

Take a look at the #1 book on this publisher’s page of All Romance eBooks: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/category0.html?sortBy=bestSelling&searchBy=publisher&qString=Freya’s%20Bower (if the link doesn’t work copy and paste it into your browser search engine)

It’s a free read now but I don’t care, lol. It means readers are downloading it, so since it’s the prequel to the Daughters of Trinity Series, we’ll see what happens.

I also got one hell of a review for my last release. Click on Dark Diva’s Review graphic. It’ll take you straight to the review. http://faithbicknellbrown.com/books/atasteofecstasy A 5 rating AND a Recommended Read!

I discovered that Bedevilled is #2 today at fictionwise’s Freya’s Bower page too.

Oh, and Conspiracy of Angels got this: http://theromancestudio.com/reviews/reviews/conspiracyangelshope.htm

After the last 8 months of one crummy thing after another hitting me or my family, these li’l tidbits helped raise my spirits, so I just wanted to share.

I’ll blog again soon!


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