Zinnia Hope, author of multi-genres and erotic romances; also writing as J. Emberglass

A Freya's Bower Author. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Do you dare read my novels? Are your panties wet yet? If not, no worries because they soon will be.

Friday, February 9

My newsletter this month will have a how-to writing article, an excerpt from The Red Storm due out this spring from Lavender Isis Press, an excerpt from my story in the Dreams and Desires charity anthology, the remainder of the chicken story posted below and much more. Please sign up so I can stay in touch with all my fans and blog readers.


Congrats to Judy Cox on my Z Group for winning a Freya's Bower bookmark with my autograph!!!

If you'd like to see the photo side of the bookmark, go HERE. The back has the lovely script about Freya that's seen on the FB homepage header. These are top professional quality, large, glossy bookmarks.

Okay, sorry for the short post, but I need to get back to work.

Besides, the chickens are spying on me through the window and peck like mad on the glass if they think I'm procrastinating! The little peckerheads!


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