Zinnia Hope, author of multi-genres and erotic romances; also writing as J. Emberglass

A Freya's Bower Author. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Do you dare read my novels? Are your panties wet yet? If not, no worries because they soon will be.

Wednesday, December 13

I'm sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I'm frazzled from tending sick kids and scouring the house from top to bottom with disinfectant. I've also been putting together my promos and contests for my December 19th All Day Loop Chat on my Yahoo Group. (There's been some hilarious discussions there the past few days.)

Now, I need a bit of help. For a Contest prize, which would you prefer? An Amazon.com gift certificate you could apply to your own Christmas shopping or a nice Christmas themed prize that's unique and you can use it for many Christmases to come? Cast your vote in the comments section. Maybe this will help me make up my mind, lol.

Would you believe that I saw the chickens stuffing a tiny Blue Spruce through the door of their coup? Cha...yeah, like Santa Baby will be visiting those cocks.

Oh, will you get your mind out of the gutter? I can just see Santa placing a check mark next to about 20 people's names, lol...

Anyway, if they think I'm supplying the electricity for their Christmas lights, then they're going to find themselves plucked and lying alongside some peas and carrots.


Conspiracy of Angels by Zinnia Hope


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