Zinnia Hope, author of multi-genres and erotic romances; also writing as J. Emberglass

A Freya's Bower Author. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Do you dare read my novels? Are your panties wet yet? If not, no worries because they soon will be.

Monday, September 25

I really need to get my butt busy and write another witty what-goes-on-around-here blog entry. I'm wiped out, though. Today, after getting up at 6:50 a.m. (no biggie, right? cha...), I did my morning workout, cleaned, washed clothes, hung clothes out on the line, chased the Monster Toddler, read for a while, answered publishing related emails, read Yahoo Groups, posted, ran an errand, had dinner and finally--pant! pant!--put Monster Toddler down for a nap, crawled into bed too, and crashed for a full two hours of exhausted sleep.

Z needs a life, lol...

My Z Group is growing. I just posted the newest question about fiction (Who wrote the longest...? How smart are you or how well can you do online research?), and we have an on-going group story too. If you'd like to join, you're invited to discuss writing, have fun, win chicken graphics and laugh!

Click here to join zinniahope
Click to join zinniahope


The Sexual Science of Witchery
Free Spirits
Honeysuckle and Wild Roses
Conspiracy of Angels - Coming soon in print from Freya's Bower


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